The world we inhabit is dominated by nation states, and multi-national corporations. You're born into a landscape dominated by the constructed artifact. The signs and symbols of your culture were selected for you, the options irrelevant, as the choices provide the same end consequence.
Of all corporates, advertising are most powerful, as they exist to subvert your individual behavior and will. So the largest of all the corporates are of course, advertising companies, feeding on predators of every scale, and the plankton of the consumer. All of commerce strains against you, algorithmically stirring your interest, ensuring they profit most from each interaction you have with the world.
We carry around their devices, so that they may extract maximum information about us, to profile and pacify, placating us with the normalcy of this vampiric and fatal arrangement. Our most personal and intimate messages, pastimes, interests, entertainment are owned by them, and we are now owned in turn.
I think we can do better.